. . . once the building’s major rooms are in position, we have to fix its actual shape: and this we do essentially with the position of the edge. The edge has got its rough position already from the overall form of the building—Wings of Light, Positive Outdoor Space, Long Thin House, Cascade of Roofs. This pattern now completes the work of Wings of Light, by placing each individual room exactly where it needs to be to get the light. It forms the exact line of the building edge, according to the position of these individual rooms. The next pattern starts to shape the edge.
When they have a choice, people will always gravitate to those rooms which have light on two sides, and leave the rooms which are lit only from one side unused and empty.
Background & Research: Not Included on the site—Go read the book!
Locate each room so that it has outdoor space outside it on at least two sides, and then place windows in these outdoor walls so that natural light falls into every room from more than one direction.
Don’t let this pattern make your plans too wild—otherwise you will destroy the simplicity of Positive Outdoor Space, and you will have a terrible time roofing the building—Roof Layout. Remember that it is possible to keep the essence of the pattern with windows on one side, if the room is unusually high, if it is shallow compared with the length of the window wall, the windows large, the walls of the room white, and massive deep reveals on the windows to make quite certain that the big windows, bright against the sky, do not create glare.
Place the individual windows to look onto something beautiful Windows Overlooking Life, Natural Doors and Windows; and make one of the windows in the room a special one, so that a place gathers itself around it—Window Place. Use Deep Reveals and Filtered Light . . .
pg. 746