A Pattern Language
221. Natural Doors and Windows image
high Confidence

Natural Doors and Windows

. . . imagine that you are now standing in the built-up frame of a partly constructed building, with the columns and beams in place Box Columns, Perimeter Beams. You know roughly where you want doors and windows from Zen View, Street Windows, Window Place, Windows Overlooking Life, Corner Doors. Now you can settle on the exact positions of the frames.


Finding the right position for a window or a door is a subtle matter. But there are very few ways of building which take this into consideration.

Background & Research: Not Included on the site—Go read the book!


On no account use standard doors or windows. Make each window a different size, according to its place. Do not fix the exact position or size of the door and window frames until the rough framing of the room has actually been built, and you can really stand inside the room and judge, by eye, exactly where you want to put them, and how big you want them. When you decide, mark the openings with strings. \n\n Make the windows smaller and smaller, as you go higher in the building.

221. Natural Doors and Windows diagram


Fine tune the exact position of each edge, and mullion, and sill, according to your comfort in the room, and the view that the window looks onto—Low Sill, Deep Reveals. As a result, each window will have a different size and shape, according to its position in the building. This means that it is obviously impossible to use standard windows and even impossible to make each window a simple multiple of standard panes. But it will still be possible to glaze each window, since the procedure for building the panes makes them divisions of the whole, instead of making up the whole as a multiple of standard panes—Small Panes . . .

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