A Pattern Language
160. Building Edge image
high Confidence

Building Edge

. . . assume that the position of the building edge is fixed—most recently by Light on Two Sides of Every Room—and before that by the position of the building wings and their interior spaces and by the courts and gardens and streets between the buildings—Wings of Light, Positive Outdoor Space. This pattern now sets the stage for the development of the zone between the indoors and the outdoors. Often this “zone” is thought of as an edge, a line on paper without thickness, a wall. But this is altogether wrong . . .


A building is most often thought of as something which turns inward—toward its rooms. People do not often think of a building as something which must also be oriented toward the outside.

Background & Research: Not Included on the site—Go read the book!


Make sure that you treat the edge of the building as a “thing,” a “place,” a zone with volume to it, not a line or interface which has no thickness. Crenelate the edge of buildings with places that invite people to stop. Make places that have depth and a covering, places to sit, lean, and walk, especially at those points along the perimeter which look onto interesting outdoor life.

160. Building Edge diagram


Do it with arcades, galleries, porches, and terraces—Arcades, Outdoor Room, Gallery Surround, Six-Foot Balcony, Connection to the Earth; take special account of the sun—Sunny Place, North Face; and put in seats and windows which complete the feeling of connection—Stair Seats, Street Windows, Seat Spots, Front Door Bench . . .

pg. 752
