. . . passages, entrances, stairs are given their rough position by The Flow Through Rooms, Short Passages, Staircase as a Stage, Zen View. This pattern helps you fine tune their positions by placing light correctly.
In a building with uniform light level, there are few “places” which function as effective settings for human events. This happens because, to a large extent, the places which make effective settings are defined by light.
Background & Research: Not Included on the site—Go read the book!
Create alternating areas of light and dark throughout the building, in such a way that people naturally walk toward the light, whenever they are going to important places: seats, entrances, stairs, passages, places of special beauty, and make other areas darker, to increase the contrast.
Where the light to walk toward is natural light, build seats and alcoves in those windows which attract the movement—Window Place. If you use skylights, then make the surfaces around the skylight warm in color—Warm Colors; otherwise the direct light from the sky is almost always cold. At night make pools of incandescent light which guide the movement—Pools of Light . . .
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