. . . The Flow Through Rooms describes the generosity of light and movement in the way that rooms connect ti one another and recommends against the use of passages. But when there has to be a passage in an office or a house and when it is too small to be a Building Thoroughfare, it must be treated very specially, as if it were itself a room. This pattern gives the character of these smallest passages, and so completes the circulation system laid down by Circulation Realms and Building Thoroughfare and The Flow Through Rooms.
”. . . long, sterile corridors set the scene for everything bad about modern architecture.”
Background & Research: Not Included on the site—Go read the book!
Keep passages short. Make them as much like rooms as possible, with carpets or wood on the floor, furniture, bookshelves, beautiful windows. Make them generous in shape, and always give them plenty of light; the best corridors and passages of all are those which have windows along an entire wall.
Put in windows, bookshelves, and furnishings to make them as much like actual rooms as possible, with alcoves, seats along the edge Light on Two Sides of Every Room, Alcoves, Window Place, Thick Walls, Closets Between Rooms; open up the long side into the garden or out onto balconies—Outdoor Room, Gallery Surround, Low Sill. Make interior windows between the passage and the rooms which open off it—Interior Windows, Solid Doors with Glass. And finally, for the shape of the passages, in detail, start with The Shape of Indoor Space . . .
pg. 632