. . . the patterns Access to Water and Pools and Streams provide a variety of kinds of water throughout the community. This pattern helps to embellish the still waters—the pools and ponds and swimming holes—and provide them with a safe edge for children. It also helps to differentiate the public space in House Cluster, Work Community, Health Center, Common Land, Local Sports.
To be in touch with water, we must above all be able to swim; and to swim daily, the pools and ponds and holes for swimming must be so widely scattered through the city, that each person can reach one within minutes.
Background & Research: Not Included on the site—Go read the book!
In every neighborhood, provide some still water—a pond, a pool—for swimming. Keep the pool open to the public at all times, but make the entrance to the pool only from the shallow side of the pool, and make the pool deepen gradually, starting from one or two inches deep.
If possible, arrange the pool as part of a system of natural running water, so that it purifies itself, and does not have to be chlorinated—Pools and Streams. Make sure the pool has southern exposure—South Facing Outdoors. If possible, embellish the edge of the pool with a small outdoor room or trellis, where people can sit and watch—Public Outdoor Room, Trellised Walk, Sitting Wall . . .
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