A Pattern Language
174. Trellised Walk image
high Confidence

Trellised Walk

. . . suppose the main spots of the garden have been defined—Outdoor Room, Tree Places, Greenhouse, Fruit Trees. Now, where there is a special need to emphasize a path—Paths and Goals—or, even more important, where the edges between two parts of a garden need to be marked without making a wall, an open trellised walk which can enclose space, is required. Above all, these trellised walks help to form the Positive Outdoor Space in a garden or a park; and may perhaps help to form an Entrance Transition.


Trellised walks have their own special beauty. They are so unique, so different from other ways of shaping a path, that they are almost archetypal.

Background & Research: Not Included on the site—Go read the book!


Where paths need special protection or where they need some intimacy, build a trellis over the path and plant it with climbing flowers. Use the trellis to help shape the outdoor spaces on either side of it.

174. Trellised Walk diagram


Think about the columns that support the trellis as themselves capable of creating places—seats, bird feeders—Column Place. Pave the path with loosely set stones—Paving with Cracks Between the Stones. Use climbing plants and a fine trellis work to create the special quality of soft, filtered light underneath the trellis—Filtered Light, Climbing Plants . . .

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