. . . within organizations and workplaces—University as a Marketplace, Local Town Hall, Master and Apprentices, Flexible Office Space, Small Work Groups, there will, inevitably, be meeting rooms, group rooms, classrooms, of one kind or another. Investigation of meeting rooms shows that the best distribution—both by size and by position—is rather unexpected.
The larger meetings are, the less people get out of them. But institutions often put their money and attention into large meeting rooms and lecture halls.
Background & Research: Not Included on the site—Go read the book!
Make at least 70 per cent of all meeting rooms really small—for 12 people or less. Locate them in the most public parts of the building, evenly scattered among the workplaces.
Shape meeting rooms like any other rooms, perhaps with special emphasis on the fact that there must be no glare—Light on Two Sides of Every Room—and on the fact that the rooms should be roughly round or square, and not too long or narrow—Sitting Circle. People will feel best if many of the chairs are different, to suit different temperaments and moods and shapes and sizes—Different Chairs. A light over the table or over the center of the group will help tie people together—Pools of Light. For the shape of the room in detail, start with The Shape of Indoor Space . . .
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