A Pattern Language
medium Confidence

Corner Doors

. . . this pattern helps you place doors exactly. Use it to help create the larger The Flow Through Rooms. You can use it too, to generate a Sequence of Sitting Spaces, by leaving small corners for sitting, uninterrupted by the doors; and you can use it to create Tapestry of Light and Dark, since every door, if glazed and near a window, will create a natural pool of light which people gravitate toward.


The success of a room depends to a great extent on the position of the doors. If the doors create a pattern of movement which destroys the places in the room, the room will never allow people to be comfortable.

Background & Research: Not Included on the site—Go read the book!


Except in very large rooms, a door only rarely makes sense in the middle of a walk. It does in an entrance room, for instance, because this room gets its character essentially from the door. But in most rooms, especially small ones, put the doors as near the corners of the room as possible. If the room has two doors, and people move through it, keep both doors at one end of the room.

196. Corner Doors diagram


When a door marks a transition, as it does into a bedroom or a private place, for instance, make it as low as you dare—Low Doorway; and thicken the entry way with closet space where it needs to be especially private—Closets Between Rooms. Later, when you make the door frame, make it integral with the wall, and decorate it freely—Frames as Thickened Edges, Ornament; except when rooms are very private, put windows in the door—Solid Doors with Glass . . .

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