. . . within each region, in between the towns, there are vast areas of countryside—farmland, parkland, forests, deserts, grazing meadows, lakes, and rivers. The legal and ecological character of this countryside is crucial to the balance of the region. When properly done, this pattern will help to complete The Distribution of Towns, City Country Fingers, Agricultural Valleys, Lace of Country Streets and Country Towns.
I conceive that land belongs for use to a vast family of which many are dead, few are living, and countless members are still unborn. — a Nigerian tribesman
Background & Research: Not Included on the site—Go read the book!
Define all farms as parks, where the public has a right to be; and make all regional parks into working farms. Create stewardships among groups of people, families and cooperatives, with each stewardship responsible for one part of the countryside. The stewards are given a lease for the land, and they are free to tend the land and set ground rules for its use-as a small farm, a forest, marshland, desert, and so forth. The public is free to visit the land, hike there, picnic, explore, boat, so long as they conform to the ground rules. With such a setup, a farm near a city might have picnickers in its fields every day during the summer.
Within each natural preserve, we imagine a limited number of houses—House Cluster—with access on unpaved country lanes—Green Streets . . .
pg. 36