A Pattern Language

Teen-Age Society

. . . the balanced Life Cycle requires that the transition from childhood to adulthood be treated by a far more subtle and embracing kind of teenage institution than a school; this pattern, which begins to define that institution, can take its place in the Network of Learning and help contribute to the network of Master and Apprentices.


Teenage is the time of passage between childhood and adulthood. In traditional societies, this passage is accompanied by rites which suit the psychological demands of the transition. But in modern society the “high school” fails entirely to provide this passage.

Background & Research: Not Included on the site—Go read the book!


Replace the “high school” with an institution which is actually a model of adult society, in which the students take on most of the responsibility for learning and social life, with clearly defined roles and forms of discipline. Provide adult guidance, both for the learning, and the social structure of the society; but keep them as far as feasible, in the hands of the students.

84. Teen-Age Society diagram


Provide one central place which houses social functions, and a directory of classes in the community. Within the central place, provide communal eating for the students, opportunities for sports and games, a library and counseling for the network of learning which gives the students access to the classes, work communities, and home workshops that are scattered through the town—Network of Learning, Local Sports, Communal Eating, Home Workshop; for the shape of what buildings there are, begin with Building Complex . . .

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