A Pattern Language

Secret Place

. . . and here is a finishing touch to the thick walls, perhaps even to the low ceilings—Thick Walls, Ceiling Height Variety.


Where can the need for concealment be expressed; the need to hide; the need for something precious to be lost, and then revealed?

Background & Research: Not Included on the site—Go read the book!


Make a place in the house, perhaps only a few feet square, which is kept locked and secret; a place which is virtually impossible to discover—until you have been shown where it is; a place where the archives of the house, or other more potent secrets, might be kept.

204. Secret Place diagram


Classic types of secret places are the panel that slides back, revealing the cavity in the wall, the loose board beneath the rug, the trap door—Closets Between Rooms, Thickening the Outer Walls, Floor-Ceiling Vaults . . .

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