A Pattern Language
128. Indoor Sunlight image
medium Confidence

Indoor Sunlight

. . . according to South Facing Outdoors, the building is placed in such a way as to allow the sun to shine directly into it, across its gardens. From Intimacy Gradient, you have some idea of the overall distribution of public and private rooms within the building. This pattern marks those rooms and areas along the intimacy gradient which need the sunlight most, and helps to place them so that the indoor sunlight can be made to coincide with the rooms in the INTIMACY GRADIENT which are most used.


If the right rooms are facing south, a house is bright and sunny and cheerful; if the wrong rooms are facing south, the house is dark and gloomy.

Background & Research: Not Included on the site—Go read the book!


Place the most important rooms along the south edge of the building, and spread the building out along the east- west axis. /n/n Fine tune the arrangement so that the proper rooms are exposed to the south-east and the south-west sun. For example: give the common area a full southern exposure, bedrooms south-east, porch south-west For most climates, this means the shape of the building is elongated east-west.

128. Indoor Sunlight diagram


When you can, open up these indoor sunny rooms to the outdoors, and build a sunny place and outdoor rooms directly outside Sunny Place, Outdoor Room, Windows Which Open Wide. Give the bedrooms eastern exposure—Sleeping to the East, and put storage and garages to the north—North Face. Where there is a kitchen, try to put its work counter toward the sun—Sunny Counter; perhaps do the same for any work bench or desk in a Home Workshop, Workspace Enclosure . . .

pg. 614
