A Pattern Language
176. Garden Seat image

Garden Seat

. . . with the character of the garden fixed—Garden Growing Wild, we consider the special corners which make the garden valuable and somewhat secret. Of these, the most important is the Sunny Place, which has already been described, because it is so fundamental to the building. Now we add to this another seat, more private, where a person can go to sit and think and dream.


Somewhere in every garden, there must be at least one spot, a quiet garden seat, in which a person—or two people—can reach into themselves and be in touch with nothing else but nature.

Background & Research: Not Included on the site—Go read the book!


Make a quiet place in the garden—a private enclosure with a comfortable seat, thick planting, sun. Pick the place for the seat carefully; pick the place that will give you the most intense kind of solitude.

176. Garden Seat diagram


Place the garden seat, like other outdoor seats, where it commands a view, is in the sun, is sheltered from the wind—Seat Spots; perhaps under bushes and trees where light is soft and dappled—Filtered Light . . .

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