A Pattern Language

Communal Sleeping

. . . by this time the sleeping areas have been defined—Couple’s Realm, Children’s Realm; Sleeping to the East, Bed Cluster. It remains only to build in the actual detailed space which forms the beds themselves—Marriage Bed, Bed Alcove. However, before we consider these patterns, we wish to draw attention to a slightly more general pattern which may affect their detailed positions.


In many traditional and primitive cultures, sleep is a communal activity without the sexual overtones it has in the West today. We believe that it may be a vital social function, which plays a role as fundamental and as necessary to people as communal eating.

Background & Research: Not Included on the site—Go read the book!


Arrange the sleeping area so that there is the possibility for children and adults to sleep in the same space, in sight and sound of one another, at least as an occasional alternative to their more usual sleeping habits. This can be done in the common area near the fireplace, where the entire household and guests can sleep together-one large mat and some blankets in an alcove. It is also possible to build bed alcoves for overnight guests, in an extended couple’s realm.

186. Communal Sleeping diagram


Place the Alcoves and Marriage Bed and the Bed Alcove and Dressing Rooms accordingly. The children have this pattern for themselves already—if bed alcoves are placed in a cluster—Bed Cluster . . .

pg. 861
