. . . assume that you have worked out the roof plan, and laid out ceiling vaults for every room on every floor—Roof Layout, Floor and Ceiling Layout. These vaults are not only the basis of the structure, but also define the social spaces underneath them. Now it is time to put columns at the corners of the vaults. This will both complete them as clearly defined social spaces—Structure Follows Social Spaces—and also be the first constructive step in the erection of the building—Gradual Stiffening.
We have already established the idea that the structural components of a building should be congruent with its social spaces.
Background & Research: Not Included on the site—Go read the book!
On your rough building plan, draw a dot to represent a column at the corner of every room and in the comers formed by lesser spaces like thick walls and alcoves. Then transfer these dots onto the ground out on the site with stakes.
Once you have the columns for each floor on your vault plan, reconcile them from floor to floor and put in intermediate columns—Final Column Distribution. Note, especially, that it is not necessary for the corner columns to fall on a grid. The floor vaults and roof vaults can be made to fit any arrangement of columns, and still make a coherent structure—thus allowing the social spaces to determine the building shape without undue constraint from purely structural considerations—Floor-Ceiling Vaults, Roof Vaults.
These columns will not only guide your mental image of the building, they will also guide construction: first put the columns and the column foundations in place; then, to make the frame complete, tie the columns together around each room with the perimeter beam—Root Foundations, Box Columns, Perimeter Beams. Give special emphasis to all free-standing columns with the idea that when you build them, you will make them very thick—Column Place . . .
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